Stage 1

Purchase of equipment and systems to maintain airport infrastructure, GSE equipment and noise monitoring system.

The main stage of the project is to improve the standard of services, the state of airport infrastructure and the safety of air services. The specific Objective is to purchase factory new equipment and vehicles that are the equipment necessary to operate the airport. This and other actions envisaged in the project aim to prevent dangerous situations for passengers and operating aircraft.

The problem Identified was insufficient number of equipment needed to operate aircraft against the increasing number of passengers and the launch of new connections.

The Planned purchase will have a direct impact on the safety of the movement of aircraft, passengers and the efficiency of air operations.

Purchasing equipment that has a direct impact on the maintenance state of the airport infrastructure and the quality of service:

  • Airport Vacuum cleaner, 1 item.
  • Towed Stairs, 2 items.
  • Tractor Sweeper, 1 item.
  • Air Purer, 2 items.
  • High Loader loading Platform, 1 item.
  • ASU – AirStarterUnit, 1 item.
  • Deicer machine, 1 item.
  • GPU – Diesel Generator, 1 item.
  • Cordless Tractor, hand-operated, 2 items.
  • Automatic Check-in, 7 items.
  • AIS System, 1 item.
  • Operating Cars (patrol), 2 items.
  • Noise monitoring System, 1 items.

Value of co-financing: 7,769,927.77 PLN (in words: seven million seventy sixty nine thousand ninety hundred and twenty-seven 77/100 PLN).

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